I first came to the Simple Farm in 2011. At the time, I walking through some very hard things and was in a very discouraged place in my life emotionally. In addition to that, I felt like everything around me artificial and man made. My soul was craving life and nature; something planted in hope for another day. I am not sure what I googled. Maybe “farms near me.” I was willing to drive, but much to my surprise The Simple Farm popped up just 15 minutes from my house. I piled my small children into the car and we headed up there. Back then, it was smaller and we were able to pull up and walk right up to the goat pen. My children were enamored by the animals, and I felt I could breathe for just a moment. The smell of life and wet dirt was just what I needed. Michael came up to us and his warmly fatherly presence was so comforting. He told the kids about the goats and asked if we had plants at our house. I sheepishly told him that I could not keep plants alive. I try. Unless it barks or cries it just doesn’t get attention. It’s really sad. I can even kill a cactus. He looked at me so kindly and said something like anything worth doing is worth failing at. That resonated with me. I never applied it to plants. They still die on my watch. I have, however, applied it to countless other situations where I feel afraid to step out, or I feel I am not doing something well enough.
After that day, the Simple Farm became part of our weekly routine. We would pick up eggs and produce. Lylah would encourage my kids to get dirty and experience the life around them on her property. She taught me about vegetables I hadn’t cooked with and shared recipes she loved. She constantly encouraged me to do all could, with what I had, to bring life and love to those in my path.
In their presence, I feel seen and known. I feel special. But I know that I am not. I have watched them over the last decade love so many other people the way they have me.They are like community godparents enfolding people into their family at the farm. They take the beauty and art they have cultivated in living things and encourage and guide and teach anyone who is willing to learn. It really is an amazing thing.
To be at the Simple Farm with Lylah and Michael is a blessing. I am forever grateful for all they have done for me and my family.