July 14, 2023


Because of what Jesus did on the cross, and his resurrection, we who are believers in Him are His - forever! Now, picture Him saying this to you: “All that you are, all that you do, is pleasing to Me…until I show you otherwise… and when I do, simply repent and come back to Me. And also, you are always doing enough… until I say , otherwise…and when I do, just do what I instruct you to do.” 
You see, most Christians, live with this thought: “I’m probably doing something right now that’s not pleasing to my Lord - and I’m surely not doing enough.“ What if…just what if Jesus is saying to you, “No, you’ve given your heart to Me, now  give yourself the benefit of the doubt that you are pleasing to Me; all that you are and all that you’re doing is pleasing to Me AND  you’re doing enough UNTIL I SHOW YOU OTHERWISE.“? The emphasis here is on the word “I”. Until Jesus shows you otherwise. His voice -  not yours, not the voice of your feelings (I.e. “But I don’t FEEL like I’m pleasing Him!), not the devil’s accusatory voice, not other’s voices, but you wait for Jesus alone to let you know when your “off” or when you are not doing enough. Then, you repent and get back on that path of always pleasing Him. Have you been sad lately? Confused? Frustrated with yourself?  You may just find some freedom and joy in this “giving-yourself-the-benefit-of-the-doubt“ way of living.  When you and I take ourselves off the throne of our hearts and realize Jesus, our merciful Judge and loving Coach, is calling the shots, then we can walk with confidence, joy, and can partner with Him in His love for all people.
One last thought to bring this home:  I want you to imagine this scenario, but first know that this is strictly hypothetical. Many parents can be “over correcting,” but in this scenario, the parent corrects only when necessary. Here’s the scene: Your 5 year old child  keeps coming to you every hour and says, “Daddy/mommy, I know I’m doing all you told me to do, but I’m sure there’s something I am doing that’s not pleasing to you right now, and it’s making me sad and confused.” If your child came to you every hour saying this to you I’m sure this would drive you crazy. And what do you want to say that child? “Relax honey, if there’s something that you’re doing that’s not pleasing  to me. I will certainly let you know.” 
Well, this is what I think our Heavenly Father is saying to us: “Enter into a continual relaxed conversation with Me. Grow in love for Me and for one another. Enjoy Me as I am enjoying you. You are pleasing to Me and you are doing enough. I will certainly let you know if there’s something you’re doing, that’s not pleasing to Me, and when I do, simply repent of your way, and embrace My way.”
Jesus’ substitutionary atonement provided this kind of relaxed walk for us – so we can get to know Him and our Father. (John 17:1-3). His blood canceled our condemnation, covers us in our unconscious shortcomings (holds back judgment), and cleanses us as we confess our sins to him (1 John 1:7-10). You can’t be all bogged down worrying all the time if you’re pleasing him or thinking you’re not doing enough. That will make you ineffective. You will spend all your time in this confusion And missing all the opportunities he gives you to join him in his love for all people. You are His love apprentice. Walk in love. You are His mighty warrior. Stand against the enemy’s accusations (“You’re not His!” “You’re not pleasing to Him!” “You’re not doing enough!”), and fight the good fight, run the race set before you, walk worthy of your calling! “…for the Lord delights in you…” (Isaiah 62:4b)

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